Quick, Hurry Up, Jesus is on the way!

"Get ready, the Lord is coming!" This was announced as early as Genesis by Enoch who prophesied, "Behold, the Lord comes" (Jude 14). So Adam and Eve knew about it. Now, maybe more than 4000 years have rushed past since the prophecy. That's why people seem to think it is fake. Paul's head was so full of the Second Coming that he wrote about it to all his contacts and urged them to get ready for the great event. In fact, he thought that would happen during his lifetime. That's why he wrote, "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess 4:17). All that is happening in the world are harbingers of His imminent return. Armageddon is looming. Though many warnings had been given, Jesus didn't think they were enough. So He gave the ultimatum to the churches and for every individual Christian in the church, at the close of His Book. Let us take some encouragement and warnings from His messages to the seven churches and spruce ourselves for His appearance.

1. Ephesus - Lovelessness (Rev 2:17)

This church was apparently planted by Priscilla and Aquila. Jesus knew their hard work, patience and intolerance of evil. The main criticism Jesus pointed in the Ephesian church was their Lovelessness. They were a church; they held fellowship meetings; but genuine love was lacking. "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love" (Rev 2:4). So, how was their first love? Their love for God was first shown by their shedding of excess wealth, to make themselves a little poorer so that their poor brothers and sisters could become a little richer. They loved God and loved their neighbours, thus obeying the two great commandments. They were single-minded, not fighting over in decision-making. They were having fellowship meals from house to house, thus strengthening their bonds and did not count the cost of money, time and labour. They ate happily, not grumpily. They were simple-hearted, not complicating relationships but ready to understand, forgive and embrace. They lived in wonderful harmony which attracted people to them like bees to flowers (Acts 2:45-47). In other words God was the centre of their lives around whom their world revolved.

This is what the Holy Spirit does when He pours out the love of God into our hearts. But as days roll by our focus shifts from God to money. We want to keep all to ourselves. We overwork and resent visitors or feel we are wasting time visiting people. Even if we visit, it is mostly a chit-chat session, and not a Christ-centred fellowship. We want exotic food and instead of rejoicing over simple meals grumble like the wilderness Israelites. Instead of simple trust we suspect people and keep them at a distance. No wonder our love for the Lord is growing dimmer by the day.

We must be able to create a harmony between the external material world and the inner invisible world of love and emotions. We do need to work and earn for a secure future but more so love God and His things. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to our first love, that divine love for the Lord, that will flow into our relationships and make us strong Christian fellowships. House fellowships are lighthouses for the world. Then Jesus will give us the Paradise fruit from the tree of life.

2. Smyrna - Suffering (Rev 2:8-11)

Notable is that Jesus did not criticize this church. What a relief it would have been to them when the letter was read out in the church. The church in Smyrna was going through suffering and Jesus prophesied more to come. And who was behind all that? The devil! For what purpose? To be tested! (Rev 2:10). The devil took them through fire to burn them up but Jesus brought them out as pure gold. Only those who go through suffering will understand what it means. Friends will speak words of comfort but cannot share our pain. The first assault we face when a problem hits us like a freight train is in the mind that is tortured with questions. Why me? Why this? Why now? Why is God silent? Jesus also, after praying shouted aloud, weeping. I imagine Him holding His chest and crying aloud. So He knows what it means to suffer. That's why He always lives to make intercession for us (Heb 7:25). That's why He says, "Do not fear"(Rev 2:10).

If you don't develop all of yourself in some way, if you don't learn to work with your emotions, you will be a shadow figure, a small truncated version of yourself. You can feel sorry for yourself, but then get over it, because it doesn't get you anywhere. All that Jesus requires of us is to remain faithful till death like Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego and Daniel (Rev 2:10). Most of the Israelites could not stand the trials in the desert and fell into all kinds of sins. Though Joshua and Caleb suffered the same, they were faithful to the end and enjoyed Canaan, proving that it is not impossible to survive harsh circumstances.

So, refuse to quit. Jesus will give you the crown of life. Only those who stick on to the end will be secure (Mt 24:13). Paul's eyes were focused on the crown that would be his on "that Day." Not only for him but also to all who await His appearing (2 Tim 4:8). What joy will it be when Jesus places the crown of life on your brow on that Day! (Rev 2:10).

3. Pergamos - Endurance (Rev 2:12-17)

Endurance is the 'Let come what may attitude.' It is the spirit of Martin Luther. It declares, "Even if all the devils in the whole world come against me, still I will not relent." It is the spirit of Nehemiah who said, "I cannot come down" (Neh 6:3). The Pergamos people were literally living under satan's regime, yet holding fast to Jesus' name and refusing to deny Him, though right in front of their eyes Antipas was murdered for his faith (Rev 2:13). So they knew their fate yet would not go back on their decision to cling to Jesus. Not only did they survive but they "worked" right under the shadow of Satan's throne. They were surrounded by "brothers and sisters," the Nicolaitans, who were stumbling blocks to them, who visited temples to join fellowship meals sacrificed to idols, who lived in blatant adultery as per Balaam's teaching. God was about to strike them and the responsibility of pulling them out of fire was on the shoulders of the "little flock"(Rev 2:13-16; Jude 23).

I think this strongly resembles our situation, who are living in the "lastest" days. God knows our works and satan's continuous assault on us. Most of us are holding on to God, wondering when our turn of martyrdom would come. We work, but with fear and restrictions. We see and hear news of attacks on a regular basis. It is satan's "hour and the power of darkness" (Lk 22:53). We are reliving the days of the Apostles. Let us go on with their courage and persistence. Then Jesus will give us the manna and a new name.

4. Thyatira - Immorality (Rev 2:18-29)

Sexual impropriety, like termites, was eating up the Christian community. Once you neglect the termites, they will consume the whole structure. As early as possible any sexual sin must be exposed and rooted out. The Thyatira congregation was increasing every day in works. They were excelling in love. They were labouring in service. They were strong in faith and models in patience. But the termites surreptitiously wormed their way through all. As Jude rightly says, ungodly people, lewd and corrupt with runaway uncontrolled sexual passion have found comfortable seats in our fellowships like Judas among the twelve. They flatter people and take advantage of them when the innocent fall flat before their flattery. Heavy millstones must be hung around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, than that they should offend little ones (Lk 17:2). But our hands are tied and we watch the sex-and-religion games helplessly as people fall for their overtures like insects into fire.

Temptations come in angelic form. So beware! Our responsibility is to keep ourselves unspotted and expose them that the vulnerable may be saved from their traps (Jude 23). God will take care of perverts who are resistant to His dealings. Then the rest will know that God has xray eyes to see our hearts and minds (Rev 2:23).

The faithful minority who have escaped the modern unbiblical morality, who have not gone into the depths of satan to see what it is, will be burden-free, floating in the grace of God. Still they have to be alert holding strongly to whatever they have till the Day the Lord arrives, which is going to be an enormous feat. If they cross over all the hurdles and continue in God's work until the end, they will enjoy power over all nations, and the morning star.

5. Sardis - Deadness (Rev 3:1-6)

There is singing and dancing with a troupe of musicians. Worship is impressive! Preaching is fiery! People throng because of the umpteen number of activities that advertise the church and it's god-business. People may be duped but not God. God sees the inside out. He is not enamoured of your outward buzz that has a show of life. He sees your dead rottenness inside. Jesus had nothing good to say about this church. He gives some solid life advice to the remnant:

  • Revive the ones who are ready to die.
  • Remember how you received and heard. 
  • Repent of your slothfulness (Rev 3:1-3).

What can I do as an individual? First of all I need a personal revival for which I must fall at the feet of God. I must allow His word to rejuvenate me. I must allow the Spirit to cleanse me. My responsibility doesn't stop there. I must get busy strengthening the weak ones by teaching them the word of God and upholding them in every way so that the bruised reed will not break and the smoking flax will not quench (Isa 42:3). I must strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind the broken, bring back the one that was driven away and seek the lost (Eze 34:4; Rev 3:2,3). Then I can clap my hands with a happy laughter and welcome the Lord when He comes unexpectedly like a thief. Want to go walking with Jesus? Then you can't go with dirty clothes. Keep your clothes unsullied (Rev 3:4). The overcomers will find their names imprinted in the Book of Life (v 5).

6. Philadelphia - Open Door (Rev 3:7-13)

God knew the work of the Philadelphians and set an open door before them so that they could continue their evangelistic outreaches unhindered. The open door is for those who go ahead boldly (Rev 3:8). God knew that with a pricking thorn in his body Paul would march ahead in his work, ignoring the adversaries and therefore set before him a great and effective door (1 Cor 16:9). "He opens and no one shuts" (Rev 3:7). God had no complaints about the Philadelphia church but loved the weak congregation because they had kept the word (v 8). God had given them a command to persevere and hence they remained constant to their purpose in the face of obstacles. That's the reason why the Son of God loved them and promised to keep them in the hour of trial that was to come up the whole world to test everyone (v 10).

What is the lesson for us here? God loves those whose hearts are set on spreading the Good News of the kingdom. He opens the door that no one can slam shut, for those who persevere when times are rough. The weak should say they are strong, because the harvest is ripe (Joel 3:10,13). Let us not be giving excuses but enter the open door. The open door will not be visible from home. We have to go out and knock at doors that appear locked. Once we are bold enough to do that, God will throw the door wide open that we may enter in and occupy. God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan. But they had to move forward, fight the giants and possess the land. So it is with us.

He shall build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But He needs rocks on which to build His church (Mt 16:18). So let us become strong. A crown awaits us!

7. Laodicea - Lukewarmness (Rev 3:14-22

Jesus felt like drinking lukewarm coffee and wanted to spit out the Laodicean church. He had nothing good to say about them. They did not know they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. They bragged that they were millionaires (Rev 3:17). Jesus told the crowd surrounding the healed, born-blind man, "For judgment I have come into the world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may be made blind." Then the Pharisees asked Him, "Are we also blind?" Jesus answered, "If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains"(Jn 9:39-41). The Laodiceans were blind, but pretended to see. Jesus was waiting to embrace them if they acknowledged their blindness and accepted from Him gold and garments and eye ointment to heal their blindness (Rev 3:17,18).

But Jesus is not the kind of person who would vomit the casual believers; rather, because of His love for them, He offered to rebuke and chasten them. He expected a positive response from them to be zealous and repent (Rev 3:19,20). Most of us have the I-have-need-of-nothing attitude. God told David about Solomon, "I will be His Father, and he shall be My son; and I will not take away My mercy from him (1 Chro 17:13). Yet He took away His mercy from Solomon. Why? Solomon was not zealous to repent. Even though God is willing, He cannot help us unless we repent.

Jesus overcame all the hurdles and sat down with His Father on His throne. Want to sit with Jesus on His throne? Then hear His voice, open the door and let Him into your dining area, past the visitor's lounge, so there will be no secrecy about you and He will dine with you. Then you can have close fellowship with Him like the disciples to Emmaus (Rev 3:20,21).

Each letter to the seven churches closes with a clarion call to each of us to be an overcomer. "To him who overcomes." There are rewards for the winners and punishment for the losers. Therefore let us then put our whole strength to overcome all temptations, pressures, hardships and trials that we may receive the crown.

There is not much time left. Let us hurry up!

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 5

 Dr Lilian Stanley Blog

  •   The Best Crown Ever! (Tamil)
      Dec 05, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Best Crown Ever!
      Nov 18, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Crowns GOD Gives Us
      Nov 13, 2022
    The Crowns GOD Gives Us more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (English)

  •   367. December 31 Golden Girl
      Jun 06, 2023
    Now the Golden Girl has climbed from her state, step by step, to the right hand of the King. She is now the bride and the queen. Let?s see the blessings of the right hand of God more...
  •   366. December 30 Golden Girl
      Jun 05, 2023
    The enemy has all the gold but God will give it to us more...
  •   365. December 29 Golden Girl
      Jun 04, 2023
    Your faith is costlier than gold more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (Tamil)

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 4

  •   051. Blessed Accident
      Feb 21, 2018
    A sailor wanted to go round the world in a boat and set up a record. Sadly, a storm lashed his boat and it broke to pieces. The sailor swam and reached a small uninhabited island. He ate wild fruits and roots and survived. He made a more...
  •   052. Offense
      Feb 21, 2018
    An elaborate feast was arranged for all the palace staff on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth?s birthday. It was a grand affair. The table was loaded with a variety of dishes. Everybody enjoyed the feast and sat down for dessert. In the meanwhile the table more...
  •   053. Great and Small
      Feb 21, 2018
    A small zero collided with a big zero. ?Don?t you have any sense? Don?t you know I am much bigger than you?? asked the big zero; ?You must be ashamed of yourself.? more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 3

  •   094 Ant and Worm
      Jun 01, 2016
    An ant was majestically walking along a forest. She saw a worm crawling. The ant told the worm: ?Look at me. I am so brisk and smart. You should be faster and dress up beautifully. You look ugly.? Despising the worm the ant moved along. more...
  •   095 Diligence Pays
      Jun 01, 2016
    Ragu was very jealous of the humble minister, Ra more...
  •   096 Poor Minister
      Jun 01, 2016
    A poor minister of God used to go to a rich businessman asking for contribution for the work he was doing in villages. The rich man would give excuses and ask hi more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 2

  •   001 The Modern Prodigal
      Jul 11, 2013
    The Modern Prodigal more...
  •   002 Lower One Foot, Lord!
      Jul 11, 2013
    Lower One Foot, Lord! more...
  •   003 Beautiful Cheques
      Jul 11, 2013
    Beautiful Cheques more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories For Little Hearts

  •   Introduction
      Jun 06, 2013
    Story Behind The Stories more...
  •   001. Is GOD For Real
      Jun 05, 2013
    There were two scientists. One was a believer in the true God and another was an aetheist more...
  •   002.The Language of Love!
      Jun 05, 2013
    A circus was running in town, and crowds elbowed each other to buy tickets. One day an unusual incident happened more...
  • Click here for more 

 Sweet Sixteen

  •   019 - Mala the Great!
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Dec 1988 Dear Aunty, It?s been 2 months since we were in touch. I?m saturated with ?news? to give you and nearly bursting with curiosity to hear what?s been happening at your end. The last letter you wrote to me was an eye-opener. To more...
  •   020 - The Rainbow
      Jun 25, 2015
    On the day she arrived, she was at my doorstep! ?Hi aunty? ?Oh Mala, how are you?? She shook my hand so long and hard that it ached, and planted a kiss on my cheek - so unusual of her. ?Why didn?t you write aunty?? ?Oh, I knew you?d be coming soon. So more...
  •   021 - What to Do?
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Jan 1989 Dear Aunty, Christmas holidays were great fun. It was lovely getting in touch with friends and relatives. On New Year?s Day I gleaned thro? my diary- There was so much to thank God for! My friend Esther is in Rajasthan. She wrote asking for g more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   GO
      Sep 19, 2024
    Before giving the Great Commission, our Lord Jesus groomed His disciples for three and a half years more...
  •   Youth Prophet
      Jul 24, 2022
    I am Jeremiah the prophet. Read my book, having in mind a budding youth who matured into a grand old man more...
  •   Starting Trouble?
      Apr 30, 2022
    Many want to serve God but they do not know how... more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Golden Girl
      Aug 27, 2018
    As India basks in the glory of the golden girls who kissed their gold medals in the 2018 Asian Games, let us meditate upon the Golden Girl who glitters in the Scriptures. The Psalmist profiles her in his 45th Psalm: ?At Your right hand is the royal bride more...
  •   Sister Sodom
      Jan 16, 2017
    Sodom is always associated with wicked ''men''. But here God calls her as 'Sister Sodom!' more...
  •   Women,Leaven and Heaven!
      Sep 30, 2016
    Women,Leaven and Heaven! 'The Kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened ' ,said Jesus (Mt 13:33). more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Is My Life Over?
      Jul 17, 2023
    Failure in something is not failure in life more...
  •   Parties Gone Wild!
      Dec 27, 2020
    Parties Gone Wild! more...
  •   A Teenagers Story
      Oct 04, 2017
    In the Bible we read about many teenagers. One such is David. When we are introduced to him, he is probably fifteen or sixteen, trying his more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Is ₹, my Big Boss?
      Feb 07, 2025
    In the last days perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of money more...
  •   Quick, Hurry Up, Jesus is on the way!
      Jan 24, 2025
    Get ready, the Lord is coming!" This was announced as early as Genesis by Enoch who prophesied more...
  •   My Elder Brother
      Oct 14, 2024
    I am James, the brother of Jesus. Born into the lowest rung of society in the rustic town of Nazareth, we were five brothers and had sisters too more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Child Abuse
      Feb 03, 2022
    "Whilst child abuse may be committed behind closed doors, it should never be swept under the carpet," said Constance Brisco more...
  •   Wife Beating
      Jul 11, 2021
    Wife Beating more...
  •   Creepers Without Support
      Sep 30, 2016
    Creepers Without Support The Bible mentions ?pure religion? only once. ?Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world? (Js 1:2 more...
  • Click here for more 

  Articles (Tamil)

  •    என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
  •   இறைவார்த்தையின் வல்லமை!.
      Mar 10, 2024
    நாம் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்தான். அனால் இரன்டு காரணங்களுக்காக நாம் சோதிக்கப்படும்படி தேவன் அனுமதிக்கிறார் more...
  •   நான் குழந்தை இயேசு!.
      Jan 29, 2024
    அப்பாவின் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகம் பூலோகத்தையே உற்று நோக்கி கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன் more...



  Short Videos


  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

Blessing Youth Mission
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

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Account Type: Current Account
A/c No.: 37268642054
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Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
IFSC No.: SBIN0007274

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A/c Name: T.Dickson Daniel Moses
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A/c No.: 35374362080
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Siruthozhil,Vellore - 632 006
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  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
21/11 West Coovam River Road,
Chennai 600 002, India.
 +91-44-28450411, 8806270699

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 5

 Dr Lilian Stanley Blog

  •   The Best Crown Ever! (Tamil)
      Dec 05, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Best Crown Ever!
      Nov 18, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Crowns GOD Gives Us
      Nov 13, 2022
    The Crowns GOD Gives Us more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (English)

  •   367. December 31 Golden Girl
      Jun 06, 2023
    Now the Golden Girl has climbed from her state, step by step, to the right hand of the King. She is now the bride and the queen. Let?s see the blessings of the right hand of God more...
  •   366. December 30 Golden Girl
      Jun 05, 2023
    The enemy has all the gold but God will give it to us more...
  •   365. December 29 Golden Girl
      Jun 04, 2023
    Your faith is costlier than gold more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (Tamil)

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 4

  •   051. Blessed Accident
      Feb 21, 2018
    A sailor wanted to go round the world in a boat and set up a record. Sadly, a storm lashed his boat and it broke to pieces. The sailor swam and reached a small uninhabited island. He ate wild fruits and roots and survived. He made a more...
  •   052. Offense
      Feb 21, 2018
    An elaborate feast was arranged for all the palace staff on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth?s birthday. It was a grand affair. The table was loaded with a variety of dishes. Everybody enjoyed the feast and sat down for dessert. In the meanwhile the table more...
  •   053. Great and Small
      Feb 21, 2018
    A small zero collided with a big zero. ?Don?t you have any sense? Don?t you know I am much bigger than you?? asked the big zero; ?You must be ashamed of yourself.? more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 3

  •   094 Ant and Worm
      Jun 01, 2016
    An ant was majestically walking along a forest. She saw a worm crawling. The ant told the worm: ?Look at me. I am so brisk and smart. You should be faster and dress up beautifully. You look ugly.? Despising the worm the ant moved along. more...
  •   095 Diligence Pays
      Jun 01, 2016
    Ragu was very jealous of the humble minister, Ra more...
  •   096 Poor Minister
      Jun 01, 2016
    A poor minister of God used to go to a rich businessman asking for contribution for the work he was doing in villages. The rich man would give excuses and ask hi more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 2

  •   001 The Modern Prodigal
      Jul 11, 2013
    The Modern Prodigal more...
  •   002 Lower One Foot, Lord!
      Jul 11, 2013
    Lower One Foot, Lord! more...
  •   003 Beautiful Cheques
      Jul 11, 2013
    Beautiful Cheques more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories For Little Hearts

  •   Introduction
      Jun 06, 2013
    Story Behind The Stories more...
  •   001. Is GOD For Real
      Jun 05, 2013
    There were two scientists. One was a believer in the true God and another was an aetheist more...
  •   002.The Language of Love!
      Jun 05, 2013
    A circus was running in town, and crowds elbowed each other to buy tickets. One day an unusual incident happened more...
  • Click here for more 

 Sweet Sixteen

  •   019 - Mala the Great!
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Dec 1988 Dear Aunty, It?s been 2 months since we were in touch. I?m saturated with ?news? to give you and nearly bursting with curiosity to hear what?s been happening at your end. The last letter you wrote to me was an eye-opener. To more...
  •   020 - The Rainbow
      Jun 25, 2015
    On the day she arrived, she was at my doorstep! ?Hi aunty? ?Oh Mala, how are you?? She shook my hand so long and hard that it ached, and planted a kiss on my cheek - so unusual of her. ?Why didn?t you write aunty?? ?Oh, I knew you?d be coming soon. So more...
  •   021 - What to Do?
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Jan 1989 Dear Aunty, Christmas holidays were great fun. It was lovely getting in touch with friends and relatives. On New Year?s Day I gleaned thro? my diary- There was so much to thank God for! My friend Esther is in Rajasthan. She wrote asking for g more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   GO
      Sep 19, 2024
    Before giving the Great Commission, our Lord Jesus groomed His disciples for three and a half years more...
  •   Youth Prophet
      Jul 24, 2022
    I am Jeremiah the prophet. Read my book, having in mind a budding youth who matured into a grand old man more...
  •   Starting Trouble?
      Apr 30, 2022
    Many want to serve God but they do not know how... more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Golden Girl
      Aug 27, 2018
    As India basks in the glory of the golden girls who kissed their gold medals in the 2018 Asian Games, let us meditate upon the Golden Girl who glitters in the Scriptures. The Psalmist profiles her in his 45th Psalm: ?At Your right hand is the royal bride more...
  •   Sister Sodom
      Jan 16, 2017
    Sodom is always associated with wicked ''men''. But here God calls her as 'Sister Sodom!' more...
  •   Women,Leaven and Heaven!
      Sep 30, 2016
    Women,Leaven and Heaven! 'The Kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened ' ,said Jesus (Mt 13:33). more...
  • Click here for more 


  •   Is My Life Over?
      Jul 17, 2023
    Failure in something is not failure in life more...
  •   Parties Gone Wild!
      Dec 27, 2020
    Parties Gone Wild! more...
  •   A Teenagers Story
      Oct 04, 2017
    In the Bible we read about many teenagers. One such is David. When we are introduced to him, he is probably fifteen or sixteen, trying his more...
  • Click here for more 


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Quick, Hurry Up, Jesus is on the way!

"Get ready, the Lord is coming!" This was announced as early as Genesis by Enoch who prophesied, "Behold, the Lord comes" (Jude 14). So Adam and Eve knew about it. Now, maybe more than 4000 years have rushed past since the prophecy. That's why people seem to think it is fake. Paul's head was so full of the Second Coming that he wrote about it to all his contacts and urged them to get ready for the great event. In fact, he thought that would happen during his lifetime. That's why he wrote, "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess 4:17). All that is happening in the world are harbingers of His imminent return. Armageddon is looming. Though many warnings had been given, Jesus didn't think they were enough. So He gave the ultimatum to the churches and for every individual Christian in the church, at the close of His Book. Let us take some encouragement and warnings from His messages to the seven churches and spruce ourselves for His appearance.

1. Ephesus - Lovelessness (Rev 2:17)

This church was apparently planted by Priscilla and Aquila. Jesus knew their hard work, patience and intolerance of evil. The main criticism Jesus pointed in the Ephesian church was their Lovelessness. They were a church; they held fellowship meetings; but genuine love was lacking. "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love" (Rev 2:4). So, how was their first love? Their love for God was first shown by their shedding of excess wealth, to make themselves a little poorer so that their poor brothers and sisters could become a little richer. They loved God and loved their neighbours, thus obeying the two great commandments. They were single-minded, not fighting over in decision-making. They were having fellowship meals from house to house, thus strengthening their bonds and did not count the cost of money, time and labour. They ate happily, not grumpily. They were simple-hearted, not complicating relationships but ready to understand, forgive and embrace. They lived in wonderful harmony which attracted people to them like bees to flowers (Acts 2:45-47). In other words God was the centre of their lives around whom their world revolved.

This is what the Holy Spirit does when He pours out the love of God into our hearts. But as days roll by our focus shifts from God to money. We want to keep all to ourselves. We overwork and resent visitors or feel we are wasting time visiting people. Even if we visit, it is mostly a chit-chat session, and not a Christ-centred fellowship. We want exotic food and instead of rejoicing over simple meals grumble like the wilderness Israelites. Instead of simple trust we suspect people and keep them at a distance. No wonder our love for the Lord is growing dimmer by the day.

We must be able to create a harmony between the external material world and the inner invisible world of love and emotions. We do need to work and earn for a secure future but more so love God and His things. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to our first love, that divine love for the Lord, that will flow into our relationships and make us strong Christian fellowships. House fellowships are lighthouses for the world. Then Jesus will give us the Paradise fruit from the tree of life.

2. Smyrna - Suffering (Rev 2:8-11)

Notable is that Jesus did not criticize this church. What a relief it would have been to them when the letter was read out in the church. The church in Smyrna was going through suffering and Jesus prophesied more to come. And who was behind all that? The devil! For what purpose? To be tested! (Rev 2:10). The devil took them through fire to burn them up but Jesus brought them out as pure gold. Only those who go through suffering will understand what it means. Friends will speak words of comfort but cannot share our pain. The first assault we face when a problem hits us like a freight train is in the mind that is tortured with questions. Why me? Why this? Why now? Why is God silent? Jesus also, after praying shouted aloud, weeping. I imagine Him holding His chest and crying aloud. So He knows what it means to suffer. That's why He always lives to make intercession for us (Heb 7:25). That's why He says, "Do not fear"(Rev 2:10).

If you don't develop all of yourself in some way, if you don't learn to work with your emotions, you will be a shadow figure, a small truncated version of yourself. You can feel sorry for yourself, but then get over it, because it doesn't get you anywhere. All that Jesus requires of us is to remain faithful till death like Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego and Daniel (Rev 2:10). Most of the Israelites could not stand the trials in the desert and fell into all kinds of sins. Though Joshua and Caleb suffered the same, they were faithful to the end and enjoyed Canaan, proving that it is not impossible to survive harsh circumstances.

So, refuse to quit. Jesus will give you the crown of life. Only those who stick on to the end will be secure (Mt 24:13). Paul's eyes were focused on the crown that would be his on "that Day." Not only for him but also to all who await His appearing (2 Tim 4:8). What joy will it be when Jesus places the crown of life on your brow on that Day! (Rev 2:10).

3. Pergamos - Endurance (Rev 2:12-17)

Endurance is the 'Let come what may attitude.' It is the spirit of Martin Luther. It declares, "Even if all the devils in the whole world come against me, still I will not relent." It is the spirit of Nehemiah who said, "I cannot come down" (Neh 6:3). The Pergamos people were literally living under satan's regime, yet holding fast to Jesus' name and refusing to deny Him, though right in front of their eyes Antipas was murdered for his faith (Rev 2:13). So they knew their fate yet would not go back on their decision to cling to Jesus. Not only did they survive but they "worked" right under the shadow of Satan's throne. They were surrounded by "brothers and sisters," the Nicolaitans, who were stumbling blocks to them, who visited temples to join fellowship meals sacrificed to idols, who lived in blatant adultery as per Balaam's teaching. God was about to strike them and the responsibility of pulling them out of fire was on the shoulders of the "little flock"(Rev 2:13-16; Jude 23).

I think this strongly resembles our situation, who are living in the "lastest" days. God knows our works and satan's continuous assault on us. Most of us are holding on to God, wondering when our turn of martyrdom would come. We work, but with fear and restrictions. We see and hear news of attacks on a regular basis. It is satan's "hour and the power of darkness" (Lk 22:53). We are reliving the days of the Apostles. Let us go on with their courage and persistence. Then Jesus will give us the manna and a new name.

4. Thyatira - Immorality (Rev 2:18-29)

Sexual impropriety, like termites, was eating up the Christian community. Once you neglect the termites, they will consume the whole structure. As early as possible any sexual sin must be exposed and rooted out. The Thyatira congregation was increasing every day in works. They were excelling in love. They were labouring in service. They were strong in faith and models in patience. But the termites surreptitiously wormed their way through all. As Jude rightly says, ungodly people, lewd and corrupt with runaway uncontrolled sexual passion have found comfortable seats in our fellowships like Judas among the twelve. They flatter people and take advantage of them when the innocent fall flat before their flattery. Heavy millstones must be hung around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, than that they should offend little ones (Lk 17:2). But our hands are tied and we watch the sex-and-religion games helplessly as people fall for their overtures like insects into fire.

Temptations come in angelic form. So beware! Our responsibility is to keep ourselves unspotted and expose them that the vulnerable may be saved from their traps (Jude 23). God will take care of perverts who are resistant to His dealings. Then the rest will know that God has xray eyes to see our hearts and minds (Rev 2:23).

The faithful minority who have escaped the modern unbiblical morality, who have not gone into the depths of satan to see what it is, will be burden-free, floating in the grace of God. Still they have to be alert holding strongly to whatever they have till the Day the Lord arrives, which is going to be an enormous feat. If they cross over all the hurdles and continue in God's work until the end, they will enjoy power over all nations, and the morning star.

5. Sardis - Deadness (Rev 3:1-6)

There is singing and dancing with a troupe of musicians. Worship is impressive! Preaching is fiery! People throng because of the umpteen number of activities that advertise the church and it's god-business. People may be duped but not God. God sees the inside out. He is not enamoured of your outward buzz that has a show of life. He sees your dead rottenness inside. Jesus had nothing good to say about this church. He gives some solid life advice to the remnant:

  • Revive the ones who are ready to die.
  • Remember how you received and heard. 
  • Repent of your slothfulness (Rev 3:1-3).

What can I do as an individual? First of all I need a personal revival for which I must fall at the feet of God. I must allow His word to rejuvenate me. I must allow the Spirit to cleanse me. My responsibility doesn't stop there. I must get busy strengthening the weak ones by teaching them the word of God and upholding them in every way so that the bruised reed will not break and the smoking flax will not quench (Isa 42:3). I must strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind the broken, bring back the one that was driven away and seek the lost (Eze 34:4; Rev 3:2,3). Then I can clap my hands with a happy laughter and welcome the Lord when He comes unexpectedly like a thief. Want to go walking with Jesus? Then you can't go with dirty clothes. Keep your clothes unsullied (Rev 3:4). The overcomers will find their names imprinted in the Book of Life (v 5).

6. Philadelphia - Open Door (Rev 3:7-13)

God knew the work of the Philadelphians and set an open door before them so that they could continue their evangelistic outreaches unhindered. The open door is for those who go ahead boldly (Rev 3:8). God knew that with a pricking thorn in his body Paul would march ahead in his work, ignoring the adversaries and therefore set before him a great and effective door (1 Cor 16:9). "He opens and no one shuts" (Rev 3:7). God had no complaints about the Philadelphia church but loved the weak congregation because they had kept the word (v 8). God had given them a command to persevere and hence they remained constant to their purpose in the face of obstacles. That's the reason why the Son of God loved them and promised to keep them in the hour of trial that was to come up the whole world to test everyone (v 10).

What is the lesson for us here? God loves those whose hearts are set on spreading the Good News of the kingdom. He opens the door that no one can slam shut, for those who persevere when times are rough. The weak should say they are strong, because the harvest is ripe (Joel 3:10,13). Let us not be giving excuses but enter the open door. The open door will not be visible from home. We have to go out and knock at doors that appear locked. Once we are bold enough to do that, God will throw the door wide open that we may enter in and occupy. God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan. But they had to move forward, fight the giants and possess the land. So it is with us.

He shall build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But He needs rocks on which to build His church (Mt 16:18). So let us become strong. A crown awaits us!

7. Laodicea - Lukewarmness (Rev 3:14-22

Jesus felt like drinking lukewarm coffee and wanted to spit out the Laodicean church. He had nothing good to say about them. They did not know they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. They bragged that they were millionaires (Rev 3:17). Jesus told the crowd surrounding the healed, born-blind man, "For judgment I have come into the world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may be made blind." Then the Pharisees asked Him, "Are we also blind?" Jesus answered, "If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains"(Jn 9:39-41). The Laodiceans were blind, but pretended to see. Jesus was waiting to embrace them if they acknowledged their blindness and accepted from Him gold and garments and eye ointment to heal their blindness (Rev 3:17,18).

But Jesus is not the kind of person who would vomit the casual believers; rather, because of His love for them, He offered to rebuke and chasten them. He expected a positive response from them to be zealous and repent (Rev 3:19,20). Most of us have the I-have-need-of-nothing attitude. God told David about Solomon, "I will be His Father, and he shall be My son; and I will not take away My mercy from him (1 Chro 17:13). Yet He took away His mercy from Solomon. Why? Solomon was not zealous to repent. Even though God is willing, He cannot help us unless we repent.

Jesus overcame all the hurdles and sat down with His Father on His throne. Want to sit with Jesus on His throne? Then hear His voice, open the door and let Him into your dining area, past the visitor's lounge, so there will be no secrecy about you and He will dine with you. Then you can have close fellowship with Him like the disciples to Emmaus (Rev 3:20,21).

Each letter to the seven churches closes with a clarion call to each of us to be an overcomer. "To him who overcomes." There are rewards for the winners and punishment for the losers. Therefore let us then put our whole strength to overcome all temptations, pressures, hardships and trials that we may receive the crown.

There is not much time left. Let us hurry up!

  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

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 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

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