My Elder Brother

I am James, the brother of Jesus. Born into the lowest rung of society in the rustic town of Nazareth, we were five brothers and had sisters too. A Galilean town, Nazareth is located on a hillside, 1,300 feet above the sea level. The enchanting view from a ridge allows one to see a sweeping view from Mt. Carmel by the ocean to the snowy peak of Mt. Hermon to the north. We enjoyed our childhood amidst the wild flowers and weeds growing among the crops. We observed the laborious method of separating wheat and chaff. The fig trees and grapevines dotting the hillsides and the fields, white and ready for the harvest were our haunts.

Dad was a carpenter and mom was a housewife. As we grew up, our Elder Brother appeared different from the rest of us. He was always obedient to parents though we rebelled at times. He ate whatever mom served on His plate when we secretly threw away the vegetable. He was the pet of our neighbours because of His polished mannerisms and obviously, God’s hand was on Him. When we were older, Dad and Mom would not allow us to fight with Him. They treated Him like a special child. He was different in that He never got angry or did anything bad unlike us. He was always reading the Scriptures and praying whenever he had free time. But we played together in the evenings. During family prayer, He would spout large portions of Scripture that surprised us all. When I was ten, we all as a family went to Jerusalem for the festival as we used to go every year. When we returned, on the third day He was missing. We had to go all the way back to Jerusalem, Mom and dad fretting, only to find Him in the Temple, discussing with elders (Lk 2:42-52).

When Dad died, though young, Jesus took the entire responsibility of the family on His shoulders and cared for us. He taught us carpentry and trained us well. Under His guidance, I learned the nuances of the trade. He was the patriarch of the family and so exercised the supreme rule over us all. We hated His authority over us, because of His strictness, though combined with love and affection. He made all the decisions for the family. Though sometimes it was hard for us to accept, it always worked out for our good. He seemed to be all-knowing, all-seeing, all-hearing – but a sand in the shoe for us.

Once we went with Him for a wedding in Canaa. There was a bustle about the shortage of wine. Then the super wine was served. Only later we came to know it was a miracle performed by Annan. Yet we found it difficult to acknowledge His astuteness (Jn 2:1-12). It was also irritating to have so many of His friends hanging around with us prying into our cherished privacy (V12).

When Dad and Mom told us about how He was born, it sounded like mythology to us and we never believed it. Though we didn’t believe He was the Messiah, He never disrespected us. He was just an Elder Brother to us. He was so ordinary, a man like any of us, eating and living with us, the kind of person you wouldn’t look at twice. I loved Him and hated Him in the same breath and was constantly at odds with Him.

Then came the sudden announcement that He was stepping out as a full-time preacher, just as His marriage was being contemplated. It was a shock to us. But He had trained us well to take hold of the reins of the household responsibilities and we were able to stand on our own feet. In a way, it was a relief to us that we’d be free from His authority.

News came to us that He was gathering some disciples for Him as did our cousin John. When John was preaching, why should He also do the same? But we heard that He was working miracles. We were not ready to believe the hype that He calmed the storm. The sea would have calmed down at the moment and they would have thought it was because of Jesus’ words. We were trying to rationalize the supernatural. His ministry was gaining momentum. What began as twelve disciples morphed into a movement.

It was a Saturday and as a family, we all went to the Synagogue. We were all surprised when my Brother got up, went to the pulpit, and started teaching from the Word of God. People were astonished and we could hear them talking, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s Son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not with us? Where then did this man get all these things? My Brother was hurt because they didn’t believe Him as a prophet because of familiarity. Neither did we (Mt 13:54-58).

Another time in our Synagogue He read from the scroll of Isaiah about the Spirit of the Lord on the coming Messiah and almost equated Himself to the Messiah. At first, all were thrilled at His marvelous way of unraveling the Scriptures, but when He spoke negatively of the people of Nazareth it drew flak and they ran Him out of the city to the brow of the hill on which our city was built, to throw Him down the cliff. We were terrified. Mom dropped to the floor. But somehow He escaped the murder attempt (Lk 4:16-30). Our family had to face social ostracism after this.

Once we went with Mom to discuss an important issue, He being the patriarch of the family; and oh! People were packed into the room like sardines! We could not even get near Him. When people informed Him of our presence, we heard Him say, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He stretched out His hand towards His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother, and those who hear the word of God and do it” (Mt 12:46-50; Lk 8:19-21). We were hurt because He literally disowned us. At home, we rebelled against Him and unleashed our hatred. But He paid scant attention to all that.

Then we got word that He proclaimed Himself as the Son of God and the Messiah. Now we knew for sure He was out of His mind, or was He demon-possessed? We tried to bring Him home but failed (Mk 3:21). We were angry with Mom because she supported His theory. We were worried about our cousin John who became a crazy man wearing camel’s skin and eating locusts and wild honey, staying in the desert. Now our Brother! We should flow with the world rather than stand out like a sore thumb (Mt 3:4).

Each new empire subjugated the Jews as if scraping their feet on a doormat. Now there was talk that Jesus would free the Jews from the Roman bondage and would become the king. We simply laughed the thought away. They also called Him the Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee (Mt 21:11). We would tease Him to make us rich if He were the Son of God. There was also a rumour that He said He’d be killed but rise alive on the third day. There should be a limit to imagination.

He became a popular figure and a big crowd followed Him to Jerusalem. His name was a chant for His admirers. But what He did there was terrible. He drove out the shopkeepers in the temple premises rudely. How can we face the elders of the temple now? (Mt 21:12,13). We greatly respected the Pharisees and Sadducees but Jesus outrightly condemned them as charlatans. It was scary. What would we do if they turned their wrath on us? (v23). Jesus was making our names stink to high heavens. He had become a vagabond going from place to place sight-seeing (Mk 1:38; 6:53; Lk 4:1,2). Wanderlust has possessed Him. Has some useless, jobless friends whom we called the “Dirty Dozen.” He had no interest in working His way up the socioeconomic ladder. He acts as if He is God, even promising forgiveness of sins. But people around here in Nazareth treated Him disdainfully (Mk 6:3-5). He thinks too much about Himself. He couldn’t do mighty works in our place and people turned their backs on Him. He had not even gone out of our country but spoke of saving the whole world! Ha, ha!

We, His brothers did not believe in Him. So, when the Feast of Tabernacle was approaching, we told Him, “Why don’t You leave Galilee and go to Judea? There also You have disciples. Let them also see Your works.” We knew the Jews were trying to kill Him. Let Him go there and get killed. He is bringing shame on the family. If He is the Messiah, He can certainly escape. Why is He trying to hide here? We don’t want to identify with Him. But He was not willing to go and so we left. Then He came secretly. Should the Son of God fear people? (Jn 7:1-10).

In Jerusalem, though the Jews wanted to kill Him no one laid hands on Him. He was boldly proclaiming that He came from God (Jn 7:25,26,29). Everybody knew Him as a member of our family but He boasts He came down from heaven (Jn 6:42). There was a big crowd around Him. People were getting healed and demons were fleeing (Jn 7:31). People's thinking began to polarize. Some said, “He is good;” others said, “No, on the contrary, He deceives people (v12).” Some said, “Truly this is the Prophet.” Others said, “This is the Christ” (vv 40,41). Undeniably He had a remarkably old head on young shoulders. I myself was confused and at times tempted to think that maybe He is the Messiah He claims to be, hearing of all the mind-blowing miracles He did. But how can it be? He is just like us in every way. When the Messiah comes will He come like this? “Which of your convicts me of sin?” He asked. When I think about it, truly we have nothing to put our finger on Him calling it sin.

Our cousin John was beheaded by King Herod (Mk 6:27). That should have sounded a warning to Him and He should have returned to a normal life rather than condemning people. But He continued as He pleased. He is antagonizing everybody instead of being a friend to all, especially the rich guys. We do believe in miracles. Even our aunt Elizabeth gave birth to our cousin John when she was very old. But for mom to say that she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit is too much. That too she says she was the virgin prophesied (Lk 1,2).

It was scary when we heard that He was blacklisted and animosity against Him was growing and the elders were planning to put Him to death. We were ashamed of Him and dissociated ourselves from Him. Why can’t He be quietly doing some job like us? Why is He behaving like a fanatic? Mom was pulled apart. On the one side, she believed He was the Son of God; on the other side, nothing was happening as she expected. No one was getting the big picture. That picture was becoming increasingly grim. Then news came to us that He was arrested and taken for crucifixion by the belligerent crowd. Am I my Brother’s keeper to bail Him out of trouble? He dug His own grave. We did not want Mom to go but flustered by the news she immediately left for Jerusalem and joined the women[1]disciples of Jesus there.

We heard about how our Brother talked to Mom from the cross and asked John to take her as his mother. Good for us. She believed He was the Son of God and that created a lot of friction within the family. That myth was debunked now. So, after all, He was not the Son of God. How can the Son of God die? I should have taken up the responsibility of burying Him. But I didn’t even peep that side because I didn’t want my name to be tarnished. Furthermore, I didn’t want to spend from my pocket. Let His friends spend, rich guys, swindling money from people!

Three days went by quietly. The eeriest thing was the deathly silence. A lot of Galileans had gone to Jerusalem to witness the crucifixion of our Brother. They came back and told us all the news. Why should He make such bombastic claims, suffer and die like this? Peter, John and those close to Him stayed back in Jerusalem. We heard that they were all together as a team, fearfully huddling together. Our Brother has put so many in trouble. Our home became the ‘Home of the one who was crucified’.

Sunday evening there was a knock on our door. I opened the door to find a friend with a confused face. “Did you hear something about your Brother?” he asked. “Heard what? He is dead and gone having wiped out all the hard-earned goodwill of our family,” I barked, my face contorted. “Didn’t you hear that some people saw Him alive?” “Whaaat? Alive?” I let out a shout. “Yes, more than one person has seen Him, and talk of His resurrection is spreading like wildfire,” he said. My legs turned to jelly and shook uncontrollably and my heart lurched. Can His claims of being the Messiah be true?

Heart and mind in turmoil, I left for Jerusalem immediately, mulling over the past, and met Mom and others. Their faces were glowing. The mood was festive. Their testimonies sounded real but I wasn’t sure as some among them were also doubtful. I was ambivalent, see-sawing between excitement and confusion. My mind was a blur for some days. And then it happened — He appeared to me! Not my Elder Brother but the Lord!!! (1 Cor 15:7). I trembled with fear and joy and fell at His feet. No more confusion. The new me was born. The Son of God had lived with us thirty-three long years right in front of our face and we didn’t recognize Him in spite of all that He did and taught. My God! My Lord! My Elder Brother! I experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I felt like running back in time and apologizing to Him. I was stabbed by guilt. Why did He choose me after all that I did to Him? That’s grace!

I wish I had believed in the miracles He did and was with Him throughout, absorbing all His teachings. I wish I had not behaved rudely to Him. I wish I had believed Mom when she said He was a special child. I am learning to put the past where it belongs and not lug it along. I embraced life with zest, with the new found inner peace. It was the beginning of a new era.

He was our physical Elder Brother and now He is our spiritual Elder Brother too. My first job was to lead my brothers and sisters to the Lord. We felt more than doubly blessed. We were with the team in the upper room, praying and praising when we were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14; 2:1-4). Thus started my spiritual journey and I ended up as an elder in the Christian church. It is an incredible journey from modest beginnings to the top echelons of the church. I thought Jesus spoiled the prosperous careers of Peter, Andrew, James, John, and others. But when I see them now, I praise God for the way they threw away their nets and became fishers of men. The names that would have gone with the wind, stand in bold letters today as permanent engravements. It was difficult for me to pull down the shutters of my carpentry shop and rely on handouts. But I braved it and never regretted it. My hold on the world was slipping away. God moulded me to such an extent that they nicknamed me ‘James the Just.’ Now when I read the Scriptures everything clicks. He was the fulfillment of prophecy!

Now I consider myself a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ (Js 1:1). I thank God I was accepted as an elder in the early church. When Peter was miraculously delivered from the prison, he sent word to me (Acts 12:17). At the Jerusalem council I played a crucial role in giving the final opinion that the Gentiles need not be circumcised to be saved. So the dispute was settled (Acts 15:13-22). Paul rose to heights in his ministry among the Gentiles. He came to meet me and all the elders in Jerusalem and explained to us in detail about the ministry among the Gentiles. We glorified God and guided him on certain things (Acts 21:17-19). Again Paul met me in Jerusalem (Gal 1:19). I felt unworthy to be counted as a pillar in the church along with Peter and John. We perceived the grace that had been given to Paul and gave him and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that they should go to the Gentiles and we to the circumcised and told them to do yeomen service to society (2:9, 10). I gradually understood that we live by faith and not by the law (v 12).

The church was not perfect. Christians easily succumbed to temptations, wagged their tongues at each other and the rich were arrogant. There were partiality and fights. So I decided to put pen to the scroll and send a letter to the scattered Jews. I thank and praise God for the anointing that rested on me as I wrote. Shortly after I wrote the letter, in A.D. 70, the Romans finally crushed the Jews and dispersed them to the four winds, leaving them without a country (for 1,878 years. The modern State of Israel was established in 1948).

I am excited to write to you that I will graduate into the presence of my Elder Brother, a happy, fulfilled man. Are you jealous that I lived with the Son of God physically for thirty-three years? Throw the thought away. He is now your Elder Brother too, if you read His word and obey His commandments and do His will (Heb 2:11,12). Paul also wrote that He is the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Then the awesome responsibility of resembling Him is ours. But He will do it for us (Rom 8:29). You can literally live with Him and talk to Him any time you want as His brother, sister, and mother. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn 20:29).

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 5

 Dr Lilian Stanley Blog

  •   The Best Crown Ever! (Tamil)
      Dec 05, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Best Crown Ever!
      Nov 18, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Crowns GOD Gives Us
      Nov 13, 2022
    The Crowns GOD Gives Us more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (English)

  •   367. December 31 Golden Girl
      Jun 06, 2023
    Now the Golden Girl has climbed from her state, step by step, to the right hand of the King. She is now the bride and the queen. Let?s see the blessings of the right hand of God more...
  •   366. December 30 Golden Girl
      Jun 05, 2023
    The enemy has all the gold but God will give it to us more...
  •   365. December 29 Golden Girl
      Jun 04, 2023
    Your faith is costlier than gold more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (Tamil)

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 4

  •   051. Blessed Accident
      Feb 21, 2018
    A sailor wanted to go round the world in a boat and set up a record. Sadly, a storm lashed his boat and it broke to pieces. The sailor swam and reached a small uninhabited island. He ate wild fruits and roots and survived. He made a more...
  •   052. Offense
      Feb 21, 2018
    An elaborate feast was arranged for all the palace staff on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth?s birthday. It was a grand affair. The table was loaded with a variety of dishes. Everybody enjoyed the feast and sat down for dessert. In the meanwhile the table more...
  •   053. Great and Small
      Feb 21, 2018
    A small zero collided with a big zero. ?Don?t you have any sense? Don?t you know I am much bigger than you?? asked the big zero; ?You must be ashamed of yourself.? more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 3

  •   094 Ant and Worm
      Jun 01, 2016
    An ant was majestically walking along a forest. She saw a worm crawling. The ant told the worm: ?Look at me. I am so brisk and smart. You should be faster and dress up beautifully. You look ugly.? Despising the worm the ant moved along. more...
  •   095 Diligence Pays
      Jun 01, 2016
    Ragu was very jealous of the humble minister, Ra more...
  •   096 Poor Minister
      Jun 01, 2016
    A poor minister of God used to go to a rich businessman asking for contribution for the work he was doing in villages. The rich man would give excuses and ask hi more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 2

  •   001 The Modern Prodigal
      Jul 11, 2013
    The Modern Prodigal more...
  •   002 Lower One Foot, Lord!
      Jul 11, 2013
    Lower One Foot, Lord! more...
  •   003 Beautiful Cheques
      Jul 11, 2013
    Beautiful Cheques more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories For Little Hearts

  •   Introduction
      Jun 06, 2013
    Story Behind The Stories more...
  •   001. Is GOD For Real
      Jun 05, 2013
    There were two scientists. One was a believer in the true God and another was an aetheist more...
  •   002.The Language of Love!
      Jun 05, 2013
    A circus was running in town, and crowds elbowed each other to buy tickets. One day an unusual incident happened more...
  • Click here for more 

 Sweet Sixteen

  •   019 - Mala the Great!
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Dec 1988 Dear Aunty, It?s been 2 months since we were in touch. I?m saturated with ?news? to give you and nearly bursting with curiosity to hear what?s been happening at your end. The last letter you wrote to me was an eye-opener. To more...
  •   020 - The Rainbow
      Jun 25, 2015
    On the day she arrived, she was at my doorstep! ?Hi aunty? ?Oh Mala, how are you?? She shook my hand so long and hard that it ached, and planted a kiss on my cheek - so unusual of her. ?Why didn?t you write aunty?? ?Oh, I knew you?d be coming soon. So more...
  •   021 - What to Do?
      Jun 25, 2015
    7 Jan 1989 Dear Aunty, Christmas holidays were great fun. It was lovely getting in touch with friends and relatives. On New Year?s Day I gleaned thro? my diary- There was so much to thank God for! My friend Esther is in Rajasthan. She wrote asking for g more...
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  •   GO
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    Before giving the Great Commission, our Lord Jesus groomed His disciples for three and a half years more...
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    I am Jeremiah the prophet. Read my book, having in mind a budding youth who matured into a grand old man more...
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  •   Golden Girl
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    As India basks in the glory of the golden girls who kissed their gold medals in the 2018 Asian Games, let us meditate upon the Golden Girl who glitters in the Scriptures. The Psalmist profiles her in his 45th Psalm: ?At Your right hand is the royal bride more...
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    In the last days perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of money more...
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  •   My Elder Brother
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    I am James, the brother of Jesus. Born into the lowest rung of society in the rustic town of Nazareth, we were five brothers and had sisters too more...
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  •   Child Abuse
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  Articles (Tamil)

  •    என் அண்ணா!
      Oct 14, 2024
    நான் இயேசுவின் தம்பி யாக்கோபு. ஏழை குடும்பத்தில், நாசரேத் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த நாங்கள் ஐந்து சகோதரர் மற்றும் சகோதரிகள். more...
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  Short Videos


  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
Vellore 632006, India
 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

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13 Church Colony
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 +91-416-2242943, +91-416-2248943

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  Blessing Literature Centre

To buy books written by Dr. Lilian Stanley, kindly reach to us in the follwing address

Blessing Literature Centre
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 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 5

 Dr Lilian Stanley Blog

  •   The Best Crown Ever! (Tamil)
      Dec 05, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Best Crown Ever!
      Nov 18, 2022
    The Best Crown Ever! more...
  •   The Crowns GOD Gives Us
      Nov 13, 2022
    The Crowns GOD Gives Us more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (English)

  •   367. December 31 Golden Girl
      Jun 06, 2023
    Now the Golden Girl has climbed from her state, step by step, to the right hand of the King. She is now the bride and the queen. Let?s see the blessings of the right hand of God more...
  •   366. December 30 Golden Girl
      Jun 05, 2023
    The enemy has all the gold but God will give it to us more...
  •   365. December 29 Golden Girl
      Jun 04, 2023
    Your faith is costlier than gold more...
  • Click here for more 

 Daily Devotional for Women (Tamil)

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 4

  •   051. Blessed Accident
      Feb 21, 2018
    A sailor wanted to go round the world in a boat and set up a record. Sadly, a storm lashed his boat and it broke to pieces. The sailor swam and reached a small uninhabited island. He ate wild fruits and roots and survived. He made a more...
  •   052. Offense
      Feb 21, 2018
    An elaborate feast was arranged for all the palace staff on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth?s birthday. It was a grand affair. The table was loaded with a variety of dishes. Everybody enjoyed the feast and sat down for dessert. In the meanwhile the table more...
  •   053. Great and Small
      Feb 21, 2018
    A small zero collided with a big zero. ?Don?t you have any sense? Don?t you know I am much bigger than you?? asked the big zero; ?You must be ashamed of yourself.? more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 3

  •   094 Ant and Worm
      Jun 01, 2016
    An ant was majestically walking along a forest. She saw a worm crawling. The ant told the worm: ?Look at me. I am so brisk and smart. You should be faster and dress up beautifully. You look ugly.? Despising the worm the ant moved along. more...
  •   095 Diligence Pays
      Jun 01, 2016
    Ragu was very jealous of the humble minister, Ra more...
  •   096 Poor Minister
      Jun 01, 2016
    A poor minister of God used to go to a rich businessman asking for contribution for the work he was doing in villages. The rich man would give excuses and ask hi more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories for Little Hearts Vol 2

  •   001 The Modern Prodigal
      Jul 11, 2013
    The Modern Prodigal more...
  •   002 Lower One Foot, Lord!
      Jul 11, 2013
    Lower One Foot, Lord! more...
  •   003 Beautiful Cheques
      Jul 11, 2013
    Beautiful Cheques more...
  • Click here for more 

 Little Stories For Little Hearts

  •   Introduction
      Jun 06, 2013
    Story Behind The Stories more...
  •   001. Is GOD For Real
      Jun 05, 2013
    There were two scientists. One was a believer in the true God and another was an aetheist more...
  •   002.The Language of Love!
      Jun 05, 2013
    A circus was running in town, and crowds elbowed each other to buy tickets. One day an unusual incident happened more...
  • Click here for more 

 Sweet Sixteen

  •   019 - Mala the Great!
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My Elder Brother

I am James, the brother of Jesus. Born into the lowest rung of society in the rustic town of Nazareth, we were five brothers and had sisters too. A Galilean town, Nazareth is located on a hillside, 1,300 feet above the sea level. The enchanting view from a ridge allows one to see a sweeping view from Mt. Carmel by the ocean to the snowy peak of Mt. Hermon to the north. We enjoyed our childhood amidst the wild flowers and weeds growing among the crops. We observed the laborious method of separating wheat and chaff. The fig trees and grapevines dotting the hillsides and the fields, white and ready for the harvest were our haunts.

Dad was a carpenter and mom was a housewife. As we grew up, our Elder Brother appeared different from the rest of us. He was always obedient to parents though we rebelled at times. He ate whatever mom served on His plate when we secretly threw away the vegetable. He was the pet of our neighbours because of His polished mannerisms and obviously, God’s hand was on Him. When we were older, Dad and Mom would not allow us to fight with Him. They treated Him like a special child. He was different in that He never got angry or did anything bad unlike us. He was always reading the Scriptures and praying whenever he had free time. But we played together in the evenings. During family prayer, He would spout large portions of Scripture that surprised us all. When I was ten, we all as a family went to Jerusalem for the festival as we used to go every year. When we returned, on the third day He was missing. We had to go all the way back to Jerusalem, Mom and dad fretting, only to find Him in the Temple, discussing with elders (Lk 2:42-52).

When Dad died, though young, Jesus took the entire responsibility of the family on His shoulders and cared for us. He taught us carpentry and trained us well. Under His guidance, I learned the nuances of the trade. He was the patriarch of the family and so exercised the supreme rule over us all. We hated His authority over us, because of His strictness, though combined with love and affection. He made all the decisions for the family. Though sometimes it was hard for us to accept, it always worked out for our good. He seemed to be all-knowing, all-seeing, all-hearing – but a sand in the shoe for us.

Once we went with Him for a wedding in Canaa. There was a bustle about the shortage of wine. Then the super wine was served. Only later we came to know it was a miracle performed by Annan. Yet we found it difficult to acknowledge His astuteness (Jn 2:1-12). It was also irritating to have so many of His friends hanging around with us prying into our cherished privacy (V12).

When Dad and Mom told us about how He was born, it sounded like mythology to us and we never believed it. Though we didn’t believe He was the Messiah, He never disrespected us. He was just an Elder Brother to us. He was so ordinary, a man like any of us, eating and living with us, the kind of person you wouldn’t look at twice. I loved Him and hated Him in the same breath and was constantly at odds with Him.

Then came the sudden announcement that He was stepping out as a full-time preacher, just as His marriage was being contemplated. It was a shock to us. But He had trained us well to take hold of the reins of the household responsibilities and we were able to stand on our own feet. In a way, it was a relief to us that we’d be free from His authority.

News came to us that He was gathering some disciples for Him as did our cousin John. When John was preaching, why should He also do the same? But we heard that He was working miracles. We were not ready to believe the hype that He calmed the storm. The sea would have calmed down at the moment and they would have thought it was because of Jesus’ words. We were trying to rationalize the supernatural. His ministry was gaining momentum. What began as twelve disciples morphed into a movement.

It was a Saturday and as a family, we all went to the Synagogue. We were all surprised when my Brother got up, went to the pulpit, and started teaching from the Word of God. People were astonished and we could hear them talking, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s Son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not with us? Where then did this man get all these things? My Brother was hurt because they didn’t believe Him as a prophet because of familiarity. Neither did we (Mt 13:54-58).

Another time in our Synagogue He read from the scroll of Isaiah about the Spirit of the Lord on the coming Messiah and almost equated Himself to the Messiah. At first, all were thrilled at His marvelous way of unraveling the Scriptures, but when He spoke negatively of the people of Nazareth it drew flak and they ran Him out of the city to the brow of the hill on which our city was built, to throw Him down the cliff. We were terrified. Mom dropped to the floor. But somehow He escaped the murder attempt (Lk 4:16-30). Our family had to face social ostracism after this.

Once we went with Mom to discuss an important issue, He being the patriarch of the family; and oh! People were packed into the room like sardines! We could not even get near Him. When people informed Him of our presence, we heard Him say, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He stretched out His hand towards His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother, and those who hear the word of God and do it” (Mt 12:46-50; Lk 8:19-21). We were hurt because He literally disowned us. At home, we rebelled against Him and unleashed our hatred. But He paid scant attention to all that.

Then we got word that He proclaimed Himself as the Son of God and the Messiah. Now we knew for sure He was out of His mind, or was He demon-possessed? We tried to bring Him home but failed (Mk 3:21). We were angry with Mom because she supported His theory. We were worried about our cousin John who became a crazy man wearing camel’s skin and eating locusts and wild honey, staying in the desert. Now our Brother! We should flow with the world rather than stand out like a sore thumb (Mt 3:4).

Each new empire subjugated the Jews as if scraping their feet on a doormat. Now there was talk that Jesus would free the Jews from the Roman bondage and would become the king. We simply laughed the thought away. They also called Him the Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee (Mt 21:11). We would tease Him to make us rich if He were the Son of God. There was also a rumour that He said He’d be killed but rise alive on the third day. There should be a limit to imagination.

He became a popular figure and a big crowd followed Him to Jerusalem. His name was a chant for His admirers. But what He did there was terrible. He drove out the shopkeepers in the temple premises rudely. How can we face the elders of the temple now? (Mt 21:12,13). We greatly respected the Pharisees and Sadducees but Jesus outrightly condemned them as charlatans. It was scary. What would we do if they turned their wrath on us? (v23). Jesus was making our names stink to high heavens. He had become a vagabond going from place to place sight-seeing (Mk 1:38; 6:53; Lk 4:1,2). Wanderlust has possessed Him. Has some useless, jobless friends whom we called the “Dirty Dozen.” He had no interest in working His way up the socioeconomic ladder. He acts as if He is God, even promising forgiveness of sins. But people around here in Nazareth treated Him disdainfully (Mk 6:3-5). He thinks too much about Himself. He couldn’t do mighty works in our place and people turned their backs on Him. He had not even gone out of our country but spoke of saving the whole world! Ha, ha!

We, His brothers did not believe in Him. So, when the Feast of Tabernacle was approaching, we told Him, “Why don’t You leave Galilee and go to Judea? There also You have disciples. Let them also see Your works.” We knew the Jews were trying to kill Him. Let Him go there and get killed. He is bringing shame on the family. If He is the Messiah, He can certainly escape. Why is He trying to hide here? We don’t want to identify with Him. But He was not willing to go and so we left. Then He came secretly. Should the Son of God fear people? (Jn 7:1-10).

In Jerusalem, though the Jews wanted to kill Him no one laid hands on Him. He was boldly proclaiming that He came from God (Jn 7:25,26,29). Everybody knew Him as a member of our family but He boasts He came down from heaven (Jn 6:42). There was a big crowd around Him. People were getting healed and demons were fleeing (Jn 7:31). People's thinking began to polarize. Some said, “He is good;” others said, “No, on the contrary, He deceives people (v12).” Some said, “Truly this is the Prophet.” Others said, “This is the Christ” (vv 40,41). Undeniably He had a remarkably old head on young shoulders. I myself was confused and at times tempted to think that maybe He is the Messiah He claims to be, hearing of all the mind-blowing miracles He did. But how can it be? He is just like us in every way. When the Messiah comes will He come like this? “Which of your convicts me of sin?” He asked. When I think about it, truly we have nothing to put our finger on Him calling it sin.

Our cousin John was beheaded by King Herod (Mk 6:27). That should have sounded a warning to Him and He should have returned to a normal life rather than condemning people. But He continued as He pleased. He is antagonizing everybody instead of being a friend to all, especially the rich guys. We do believe in miracles. Even our aunt Elizabeth gave birth to our cousin John when she was very old. But for mom to say that she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit is too much. That too she says she was the virgin prophesied (Lk 1,2).

It was scary when we heard that He was blacklisted and animosity against Him was growing and the elders were planning to put Him to death. We were ashamed of Him and dissociated ourselves from Him. Why can’t He be quietly doing some job like us? Why is He behaving like a fanatic? Mom was pulled apart. On the one side, she believed He was the Son of God; on the other side, nothing was happening as she expected. No one was getting the big picture. That picture was becoming increasingly grim. Then news came to us that He was arrested and taken for crucifixion by the belligerent crowd. Am I my Brother’s keeper to bail Him out of trouble? He dug His own grave. We did not want Mom to go but flustered by the news she immediately left for Jerusalem and joined the women[1]disciples of Jesus there.

We heard about how our Brother talked to Mom from the cross and asked John to take her as his mother. Good for us. She believed He was the Son of God and that created a lot of friction within the family. That myth was debunked now. So, after all, He was not the Son of God. How can the Son of God die? I should have taken up the responsibility of burying Him. But I didn’t even peep that side because I didn’t want my name to be tarnished. Furthermore, I didn’t want to spend from my pocket. Let His friends spend, rich guys, swindling money from people!

Three days went by quietly. The eeriest thing was the deathly silence. A lot of Galileans had gone to Jerusalem to witness the crucifixion of our Brother. They came back and told us all the news. Why should He make such bombastic claims, suffer and die like this? Peter, John and those close to Him stayed back in Jerusalem. We heard that they were all together as a team, fearfully huddling together. Our Brother has put so many in trouble. Our home became the ‘Home of the one who was crucified’.

Sunday evening there was a knock on our door. I opened the door to find a friend with a confused face. “Did you hear something about your Brother?” he asked. “Heard what? He is dead and gone having wiped out all the hard-earned goodwill of our family,” I barked, my face contorted. “Didn’t you hear that some people saw Him alive?” “Whaaat? Alive?” I let out a shout. “Yes, more than one person has seen Him, and talk of His resurrection is spreading like wildfire,” he said. My legs turned to jelly and shook uncontrollably and my heart lurched. Can His claims of being the Messiah be true?

Heart and mind in turmoil, I left for Jerusalem immediately, mulling over the past, and met Mom and others. Their faces were glowing. The mood was festive. Their testimonies sounded real but I wasn’t sure as some among them were also doubtful. I was ambivalent, see-sawing between excitement and confusion. My mind was a blur for some days. And then it happened — He appeared to me! Not my Elder Brother but the Lord!!! (1 Cor 15:7). I trembled with fear and joy and fell at His feet. No more confusion. The new me was born. The Son of God had lived with us thirty-three long years right in front of our face and we didn’t recognize Him in spite of all that He did and taught. My God! My Lord! My Elder Brother! I experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I felt like running back in time and apologizing to Him. I was stabbed by guilt. Why did He choose me after all that I did to Him? That’s grace!

I wish I had believed in the miracles He did and was with Him throughout, absorbing all His teachings. I wish I had not behaved rudely to Him. I wish I had believed Mom when she said He was a special child. I am learning to put the past where it belongs and not lug it along. I embraced life with zest, with the new found inner peace. It was the beginning of a new era.

He was our physical Elder Brother and now He is our spiritual Elder Brother too. My first job was to lead my brothers and sisters to the Lord. We felt more than doubly blessed. We were with the team in the upper room, praying and praising when we were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14; 2:1-4). Thus started my spiritual journey and I ended up as an elder in the Christian church. It is an incredible journey from modest beginnings to the top echelons of the church. I thought Jesus spoiled the prosperous careers of Peter, Andrew, James, John, and others. But when I see them now, I praise God for the way they threw away their nets and became fishers of men. The names that would have gone with the wind, stand in bold letters today as permanent engravements. It was difficult for me to pull down the shutters of my carpentry shop and rely on handouts. But I braved it and never regretted it. My hold on the world was slipping away. God moulded me to such an extent that they nicknamed me ‘James the Just.’ Now when I read the Scriptures everything clicks. He was the fulfillment of prophecy!

Now I consider myself a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ (Js 1:1). I thank God I was accepted as an elder in the early church. When Peter was miraculously delivered from the prison, he sent word to me (Acts 12:17). At the Jerusalem council I played a crucial role in giving the final opinion that the Gentiles need not be circumcised to be saved. So the dispute was settled (Acts 15:13-22). Paul rose to heights in his ministry among the Gentiles. He came to meet me and all the elders in Jerusalem and explained to us in detail about the ministry among the Gentiles. We glorified God and guided him on certain things (Acts 21:17-19). Again Paul met me in Jerusalem (Gal 1:19). I felt unworthy to be counted as a pillar in the church along with Peter and John. We perceived the grace that had been given to Paul and gave him and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that they should go to the Gentiles and we to the circumcised and told them to do yeomen service to society (2:9, 10). I gradually understood that we live by faith and not by the law (v 12).

The church was not perfect. Christians easily succumbed to temptations, wagged their tongues at each other and the rich were arrogant. There were partiality and fights. So I decided to put pen to the scroll and send a letter to the scattered Jews. I thank and praise God for the anointing that rested on me as I wrote. Shortly after I wrote the letter, in A.D. 70, the Romans finally crushed the Jews and dispersed them to the four winds, leaving them without a country (for 1,878 years. The modern State of Israel was established in 1948).

I am excited to write to you that I will graduate into the presence of my Elder Brother, a happy, fulfilled man. Are you jealous that I lived with the Son of God physically for thirty-three years? Throw the thought away. He is now your Elder Brother too, if you read His word and obey His commandments and do His will (Heb 2:11,12). Paul also wrote that He is the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Then the awesome responsibility of resembling Him is ours. But He will do it for us (Rom 8:29). You can literally live with Him and talk to Him any time you want as His brother, sister, and mother. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn 20:29).

  Address for Correspondence Contributions

Dr. Lilian Stanley
13 Church Colony
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 +91 9843511943

Blessing Youth Mission

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